
You know, being supported is a great feeling. Knowing that despite our failures, foibles, and general stupidity we're still loved and supported is a fantabulous thing. Jesus is there, but that is so nebulous it's hard to hang onto. Seeing someone else support and love you, that is life changing. The idea is to be Jesus to someone else. I think I have been, but have I really been supportive? Back in the Old Testament, we see an awesome story of support (Exodus 17.8-ff)

The Israeli's were wandering through the wilderness when the Amalakites attacked. When ever Moses had his arms up, the Israeli's were winning. When Moses' arms got tired, they began to lose. This was a mammoth pitched battle, with tons of people running around bashing, smashing, and trying to beat each other to sweaty, bloody pulps of man meat. The thought of losing for the Israelites was unthinkable: they were God's own people, how could they lose? Yet at the same time, if they weren't faithful they would lose and deservedly so. The key part here is Moses. When he held his staff up, they began to win. When his arms got tired and the staff dropped they lost. How long can you hold up something in your arms? Try it, see how long you last. I made it a whole 3.2 minutes holding up my Bible (sure, I couldn't feel much in my arms by the time I dropped them and I know I caused some kind of serious psychological damage to my nerve endings in my arms) before I dropped. Moses held his arms up throughout a whole day. But, he couldn't do it by himself. Aaron and Hur had to help him. Read the text and see it: they got him a place to sit when he was too tired to go on and actually held his arms up, one on each side. By doing that, the day was saved and Israel won the battle.

That kind of support is so necessary for us in ministry! If I try to do it all myself (and I do, quite regularly!) it results in my arms dropping and things going downhill in a hurry. But, when I allow people to support me (especially with my stinky nasty armpit stench despite my Old Spice: Redzone!, imagine Moses with no deodorant...) we accomplish the task God set before us. But, it means multiple people have to be involved: me (the leader), people supporting me (ministering to me), and people in the field (volunteers). Take the army away: Israel doesn't come through. Take the leader away: Israel loses. Take the leaders support away: the whole thing is done. So, I guess it all goes to say, I am so GRATEFUL to have support. People who minster to me and mine, not just expect me to minister to them.

Help out your leaders and hold their arms up! Or join the army and fight! Just find a spot and do what God is calling you to...


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