
Why is it that a GREAT day can be ruined by one thing? Or one person? Why is it possible to see 23 people have an awesome day and have 1 person ruin it in just a couple of moments? That's the question I ask myself this evening. After a fabulous day from 7:00am-3:48pm helping out with Operation Christmas Child, eating pizza at CiCi's, and running around All Star Sports, comes the moment. One action of one person decides the way the whole day is viewed. I hate it! More specifically, I hate the fact that one person can make three hours worth of work (and not the fun kind!) from one action. Not that the work is the issue, it's the kind of work. Nothing more fun than sitting down with parents and letting them know what happened to their little baby and what their little baby did. At least that part of the evening went well, the rest was "fun." Phone calls and questions, face to face talks and questions, more phone calls and questions, never once the answer I wish I had.
It's amazing how much a little bit of knowledge and a gifting can carry you, but it's also amazing how hard things become when you have no answers. Not even the nice, easy, pat, church answer. Perhaps it's just God reminding me that I'm not perfect. But, is there more to it? I can't tell. I know it's left me angry, with a massive headache induced by the stress that only junior high students can bring on, wishing I wasn't coughing, and thinking about what I could have done to keep it all from happening. I suppose that's the natural tendency, to look at the "what ifs." But, I can't go back and change things. Instead, I have to deal with the fact that things happen and we deal with them as they come. It's not a very comforting thought, but one that at least has hope: we accomplished something today and had a lot of fun doing it (78 kids will get a gift and the chance to know Jesus: does it get any better than that?). That is well worth remembering, even with the moment of trouble that ruined the latter part of my day. So, it was a good day and things will be good, because my God is able to use anything for His glory. May it be so tonight...


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