Everyday is an Opportunity

Our reflective thinking is often clearer at times New Year's than any other time. We evaluate what has been in the past year and think towards that blank slate of the new year. Often resolutions are made and started, but never followed all the way through. For example, how many of us have a One Year Bible that we've never finished? It turns into the One Year Guilt trip and we never get done because we have three weeks worth of readings to make up before we read that day!

This year my family and I will be walking through the Bible Recap reading plan and would invite you to join us! It's a chronological reading, meaning the reading walks through the timeline of Scripture. You'll read Job while reading about Abraham in Genesis. Psalms are interspersed with the moments in David's life that inspired them.

One of the reasons I love the Bible app is the way it handles plans. If you miss a day (or several) don't beat yourself up- just click where it says, "Catch me up" and pick back up. It's not about timing, although getting the entire picture of God's love for us in the singular story of redemption that the Bible is is amazing, but about immersing yourself in who our God is. Let the Word do the work and see what happens this year!

Also, looking forward to unpacking more of what biblical community looks like this week! The notes are in the Bible app and we're saving a place for you. If you haven't yet, there's still time to invite someone to join you this week like we talked about!


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