Heaven let Your Light Shine Down...

Another day, another 90's song lyric...although I must admit the Pillar cover of Shine is better than the original from Collective Soul (in this guy's opinion)!  But, the reason for quoting that line are simple: this is the prayer of any believer, or should be.  Why?

Simply put, we exist to reflect the glory of the Father the same as Jesus did.  And on a day like today, I see it more than others.  Not to say people aren't being Jesus other days, but today it stands in stark contrast to the world.  The reason is a yearly occurrence called See You at the Pole, where students/parents/administration/teachers gather to pray for the school, our country, each other, and anything else on their hearts and minds around their school's flagpole.  So, today I joined 30+ teenagers and adults in front of the high school to pray.  Hands joined in a large circle right off the main walk into the commons, we lifted our voices to heaven and God was there.  Not that He isn't present on the campus day in day out, but in our culture high school campuses are dark places desperately in need of the light and love of Jesus Christ.  that is what makes standing up in front of all your friends and peers for what you believe such an awesome thing.

Today is a day of prayer, but it's also a statement for the world to see who they are.  It's bold and it's hard (I mean, who wants to wake up earlier than you need to be at school, even if it is to pray?).  It's something that marks them and is meant to be seen, whether they want it to or not.  Conversations will be happening throughout the day, "Dude, what were you doing this morning outside the school?"  Then there is an opening to talk about what matters most, to literally let heaven shine down into someone's life.  It's not something to miss, but is a chance to build on what we know and believe to make an eternal difference.

That's the same thing we ought to do day in and day out- shine heaven into earth.  Be a "city on a hill,"with light for anyone to see.  Here in Kansas it's easy to get that analogy, because we're technically flatter than a pancake.  In the western part of the state as you drive, you can see lights in the distance.  For example, you can see Liberal (one of the larger west Kansas towns) from more than 70 miles away because of the lights that are on in the town.   In our lives, we're called to shine heaven's light down from the distance so all can see it.  Our mission is to provide light and warmth, not of our own making or design, but straight from Jesus.  So, let heaven's light shine down today- through you.  And remember, you might be the only Jesus someone sees, so take advantage of it and show them who He really is....


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