Change & Challenge...

Change is one of those things you can never get away from.  No matter what you do, it's a part of life.  Just like death and taxes, change will always be with us.  But, the question is how you deal with change.

Some people curl into the fetal position and want to wish it away.  Others relish it and look for every opportunity they have (like Bob Goff who quits something and starts something every week of the year).  Most of us fall somewhere in the middle- we don't seek out change, but we're not abjectly terrified of it either!  However, change is always tough.  Whether it's stepping out in faith to do something totally out of your comfort zone, moving away from family and friends, changing schools, changing jobs, getting out of (or into) a relationship, or changing your look- change is tough.

A large part is because we find our identity in those things- our look, our activity, our relationship status (or lack thereof), our school, our job, etc.  When we lose or change part of our identity, it's tough!  Simply put, it means we aren't securing our identity to something that matters.  If you are anchored with faith in Jesus, your identity should be secure- you are bought by Christ and a child of God.  Ain't nothing better than that, but for most of us that's not enough.  We might know that, but do we live that?  No.  We look for things to put over that to identify us more easily- jock, goth, prep, hipster, nerd, geek, musician, artist, athlete, and the list goes on and on.  So, the question comes back to: who do you think you are?  Do you think you are a child of God who was purchased back from death for to bring His light to the world or is that merely peripheral to who you are?

Like me, I was captain of the football team jock extraordinaire with musician, geek, brainiac, and Christian added to the mix.  My identity was primarily in things I did, not in who I was.  I was comfortable with that because it was easy to see how well I did in my respective fields: 4.0 GPA tied for #1 in my senior class, 31 on the ACT as a junior, captain of the football team, almost undefeated wrestler, computer nerd with high marks in anything tech-y, sought after vocalist in selective ensembles, student leader in our youth group.  I had accolades, I had people who knew me not for anything I was, but for what I had done and could do.  It's appearance and achievements versus a deeper reality.

What would it take to convince you to live from who you really are and not from anything else?  A major incident where your identities collided?  A painful breakup revealing how much of your identity was based on that relationship?  Or being cut or kicked out from the activity/sport you loved?  I hope none of the above fits you, but something has to give for you to feel the need to get to the point where you're laid bare enough to see the deeper truth...

So, here's the challenge: be who you are.  Know that you are a precious, chosen, adopted, hand-crafted, loved, child of God who was made to change the world around you.  Live your life from that knowledge and see what happens...


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