Living Courageously...
At the end of the day, what matters most to you? Is it that people would like you? That you would be successful (whatever that means to you)? That you'd be in a relationship? That you'd be seen as popular? That you'd have what you want? Seriously think about, because the answer is what drives your life. Is that harsh? No, it's truth. You have three commodities that you bring to the table day in day out and spend to accomplish whichever purpose you're chasing: passion, time, and money. If I were to chase down all three in your life I'd find out exactly what your god is. Family. Money. Stuff. Popularity. Relationships. Gaming. Sports. My list could literally be endless as there are countless things we give primacy in our lives to. The Bible has a word for that- idolatry. And no, I'm not saying you're out sacrificing a goat on a hill to a statue made in the shape of one o...