
Change is such a huge part of life. I suppose I should realize this more but it's not until I hit something large that I think about it. As we recently moved from the cramped, city-fied youth center apartment to a spacious, country-living home it struck me: God designed us for change. In fact, I am thoroughly convinced that without change, we are essentially dead.

That seems like a bit harsh of a statement, but change really is the stuff of life. I mean, I love my baby boy but if Aiden remained as an 8 month old and never crawled or got his teeth, we'd be seeing a lot of doctors to figure out why! He is meant to change, grow, and become a man, not remain a baby. This is something many of us have problems with, not a baby growing up, but the fact that we are meant to change and grow. Many of us find a spot in life that we like and determine never to grow or change beyond that point. Maybe it's the party life during college or the dating scene (with an epic lack of commitment!) or perhaps it's the spiritual high you got during summer camp that you lost after getting back, regardless it is something that shouldn't be the end all be all of our existence! Instead, we hold onto that memory and think wistfully of it for years instead of moving on. A friend told me about his efforts to reconnect with an old flame after his divorce, he said she was still hot but was nowhere near the memory he had cherished all those years because of all the things she had lost! He had been holding onto a memory that could never be, no matter what he thought.

So many of us do that in our spiritual life: we'll never have another experience with God like that one time at summer camp or we'll never be able to get beyond that sin that holds us so tightly. We neglect the fact that God made us to grow and change! Just because things are one way now, doesn't mean they'll be that way forever nor should it! If you can only connect with God at summer camp, it's not a problem at the church or anywhere else, it's the fact that you cannot move beyond that memory you're holding onto. Instead, look with fresh eyes for what God is doing where you are! In all we do, God is there and God wants to meet us in that place. The thing is, we're so resistant to change that we ignore Him unless it's an event that meets our criteria. I mean, who talks about having a spiritual experience while washing dishes or doing laundry? Not many, but the truth is we can just as easily encounter God there as at a summer camp or mission trip or worship service. So, where are you going to encounter God today?


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