Leading in the Right Direction...

This past weekend we had our Presbytery's Youth Council retreat out at Westminster Woods (nothing like three days without internet and 100 degree plus heat!) and I was beyond pleasantly surprised. Part of that is what happens when we do some hardcore recruiting: we're now at a full 30! Talk about awesome. But more than that is the quality of the individuals we picked up, at least from what I saw this weekend...

Even more so, is the impact things like this have on my leaders. Today one of my students sent me a message asking about why we have an After School program that targets Junior High students but nothing to do the same for our High School students. It's a legitimate question, and impressive coming from a sophomore! My normal go to answer: time + money is where I headed, but made several acknowledgments on the way there. First, the way our ministry is designed, we should have some kind of doorway programming for our senior high to get them in. Second, our current structure makes it untenable for me (who works 50+ a week as is, with 70-80+ on any retreat or event) to lead something like that for every age group. Third, we ought to have enough people in place to make it work without me. However, the vision for that type of program isn't there at our church. Heck, the need ought to be obvious for anyone who has read the paper or done any serious observation of the current state of students at the high school.

Now, answering those points to a parent or adult is one thing, but this is coming from one of our student leaders! So, to give them some vision and direction, I pointed to three things I'd like to do this year to see us grow more: 1. Be a place that is inviting, 2. Bring friends, 3. Do special events that we can bridge into Sunday/Wednesday programming. Most of these are obvious for anyone in ministry or acquainted with ministry, but they are extremely huge! I mean, how many people won't invite a friend to something because it is more cliquish than not? That's not inviting! Or coming somewhere new only to feel completely left out? Not a good thing!

If anywhere ought to be inviting and awesome, the church (meaning all our ministries and worship experiences) should be that place! But is it? Not regularly, (think the lyrics to Casting Crowns' song, "If We Are the Body") as we instead have our own agendas and own comfort level. However, to really be the church, both of those must be sacrificed. Not a lot for someone who gave His life for us is it?


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