Yesterday I mused a bit about the fact that for the church to be the church it meant dropping our agendas, pretenses, and pride to be who Jesus Christ called us to be. The same is true for real friends, they must do the same or as the plaque my students gave me for my birthday says, "Good friends are like bras- supportive, make you look good, never leave you hanging, and are always close to your heart." Now that might be a bit off my mark, but it hits the point: friendship requires a degree of selflessness. Jesus modeled selflessness as one of His last acts on the planet by washing His disciples feet. Peter, being Peter, first denies Jesus' servitude then asks for more than Jesus said he needed! But the point is this, Jesus lowered Himself to the position of the lowest servant to help us understand what He meant. Loving others means dropping our pretenses of pride and the way we think so highly of ourselves so that we can embrace what God has actually called us to do...