Milestones, missions, and losing it

So, today I saw my sister in-law become an RN. It's always weird watching one of the kids I've had in my youth groups graduate college, get married, etc. but to have more invested is even beyond that. There's the pride, the hope, the joy contained in that one moment and then some because they're family. Not to say that seeing my youth kids graduate isn't emotional and full of pride, hope, and joy! There's just a difference. It's still the knowing that this is one of those moments they won't forget. It's the knowing that this is the line in the sand between one life and another. It's so MUCH! Yet, we seem to do little in the average youth ministry to celebrate. Yeah, there might be some cheesy slideshow (although note: I did not use "Friends" by Smitty this year as one of the tracks!) and maybe a luncheon, maybe even a spiffy Bible or CD or both (you know, Interlinc sells those sweet combo packs!). But, what lasting impact is there in those? The Bible I can see long-term benefits, I mean, I sure hope the grads from our ministry use those sweet NLT Study Bibles we give them! However, is there something we can do to show them that they've left a mark here? Is there something that they can point back to and say, "I was part of that?" God gave the Israelites that instruction as they FINALLY crossed the river into the Promised land. Is there a pile of stones marking the spot God parted the waters in my student's lives or is it something they can forget until some high school reunion (if they even remember it there!)? The same is true of missions experiences: what will my students be left with when they get back home? Just memories? Maybe a shirt and some pictures? Or will they be left with a changed life because of the stones they put together to mark the spot that change happened?

I say this because I think I've lost it. I can't see those markers that are there to remind me of what, why, and who I really am. I've lost the forest for the trees, so to speak. As a minister, I am so caught up in ministry that I haven't really slowed down to be ministered to. My personal faith is so anemic right now that it's a miracle it stands up when I teach! I mean, the longest prayers I pray come during ministry events, the most I read God's Word is when I'm gearing up for ministry events, the only time I worship is while I'm doing ministry. That's not right...

Thus, here's the dilemma: what do I need to do to find the markers I left so I can catch back up with God and regain that elusive it? Right now I'm not sure but it's going to start here and now, because if I'm not leading with it, how are my students ever going to catch it?


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