Manhood, evil, and Islam...

I know the normal criticism of rap is that it is misogynistic, but there are far more deeper evils out there! Yes, Eminem and Snoop Dogg are horrendous examples of what someone who is a misguided boy can do/say, but how far does their idiocy deeply reach? Maybe a few million? However, as I react to The Stoning of Soraya M I am struck by how much more Islam does to the fate of women! Yes, the Qur'an gives a great statement about the man's place: to protect and provide for women as they are the lesser (pertaining solely to physical strength) sex. However, the reigning "interpretation" throughout the majority of Islamic countries (meaning those with Shariah law) is extremely misogynistic! And no, I'm not basing it solely on the facts as portrayed in the movie. I went and did my research all the way down to reading passages of the Qur'an and further examining the life of Muhammed.

The fact of the matter is, Islam as it stands (not necessarily as it is written, I did my research, remember?) is the single greatest evil the world has ever seen. Islam as it is practiced across much of the world exists to promote violence (unless there is some other humongous group of crazed psycho-killers out there motivated by nut cases posing as religious figures!) against anyone who doesn't see things their exact way (unless someone else can explain the motivation behind the Shiite/Sunni violence in Iraq, etc.?). Not only that, Islam is more often than not used as a tool of power against women. Instead of the semi-egalitarian and, I would venture to say, excellently balanced idea of gender roles likely inspired by Muhammed's great relationship with Khadija, it is a tool to get what a man desires. All it took was a single corruption of the ideal and it became the norm. Is it the norm in American Islam? No. Is it the norm in international Islamic interpretation? Yes. Would you ever hear anything of the sort in the media? No. Why? The easy answer is violence. Just look at the recent South Park stir: Islam is a no go for anything in spoken, written, drawn, performed, or otherwise used word. Is that the hallmark of a "religion of peace?" Not by a long shot!

Let's briefly compare: does Christianity have it's warts from the past/present? Yes, I mean you need look no further than nut-job in chief Fred Phelps (who I would go on record as saying is closer to the antichrist than a Christian) for the present and the actions of greedy, immoral men during the Crusades to point to some of the easy to label spots. Islam is in the grips of very evil men and no one seems to have the courage to label them as such. Bush came as close as anyone ever has, labeling the terrorist part of an "axis of evil." Are all the people in those areas part of that? No! Just look at the revolt in Iran during the elections, there are many as horrified by what passes for their religion as any other. The crux of the matter comes down to what those who object to the hijacking of the religion are willing to sacrifice and in what numbers. Christianity had its wars as the Catholics and Protestants got things sorted out, unfortunately for the Islamic world there aren't many that fall into the "moderate" camp in the Middle East it would seem! Doubtless there are some, but they are as afraid as the people who run Comedy Central of what the men in power will do!

I would say that the time is here to see men rise up against the idiocy of Islam and the over-sexed American lust to become something worth the word "man." For most of recorded history, a man existed to protect and care for his woman. Is that so wrong feminazis out there? A "man" must be more than self-centered, which means sacrificing and doing whatever it takes to take care of those entrusted to us! Regardless of our religion, both are "supposed" to be about self-sacrifice and self-denial. Jesus spoke out harshly against the Jewish practice of His day regarding divorce. Some have spoken about the current inequalities and evil being perpetuated by the Islamic practice of divorce and the hideous practice of mut'a (temporary wifehood, essentially prostitution made "moral" in their religious eyes). Why should things like this be part of any religion that claims to show a "moral" life? That is not self-sacrifice or self-denial, it is simple convenience made formal! Thus, the root of the issue: anyone who allows such use of women is not a man (and I apply this to Islamic and American "boys" who can't keep it in their pants or go two seconds without a thought about someone other than their wife in "compromising" situations!) and doesn't understand manhood.

I don't know if any of this makes sense to anyone else, but I needed to vent. I also needed to say what's been on my mind: Islam as practiced in most of the Middle East is purely evil. No more, no less. Sexolatry (the worship of sex) as practiced in American culture today is purely evil. No more, no less. What is necessary is men (not boys or manchildren, but men!) to stand up and redefine what it means to live as a man. I see it throughout much of Christianity and have experienced it in Islam, but have failed to see it apply to culture as a whole. Why not now? Why not make a decisive change in the way things are done by becoming real men, regardless of religion? In Christendom and in Islam, because we like lust more than love and sacrifice manhood for a cheap thrill...


  1. Wow. After reading this, I'm not sure how much sense it makes but it's still what I think. If men would stand up and be men, in America and in Islamic countries, this world would be a much different place. However, I stand by the thought that Islam as practiced around the world is evil at its core...


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