Grace that is greater...

As I make choices and decisions for our student ministry, I am constantly reminded that grace is greater. No matter what we do, we can never make God love us less. Is that amazing? I think so. But, how does a greater grace play out in my life?

That's the question that keeps bugging me. How does this incredible knowledge make me different? Or does it? It should, but it doesn't always work that way. However, if the knowledge of God's love for us doesn't cause massive change, did we really get it? The idea that one can be grabbed by the grace and love of Jesus and not change is insane. In fact, it goes counter to everything we have documented or seen! Jesus took regular, plain jane, guys and made them extraordinary. How? Because when they understood the love of God and the grace He extended through His son they responded the only way they knew how, telling everyone!

In fact, the same guys who denied Jesus and ran off scared, later stood in front of the same leaders and told them to their faces that there was no way they could ever stop! The same people who ran scared then told their Rabbi's killers to shove off! That is a marked change, a 180 so to speak. That change cannot happen without a thorough understanding of the fact that grace is greater. Before we change we have to meet God face to face and come to grips with this irrational (to us), incomprehensible (to us again), incomparable love.

Do you understand how much God loves you? Try this: take John 3.16 and where it says the world, put in your name. It makes a difference, I promise...


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