Generation change...

I really like this idea: the current generation (Gen Y, iGen, whatever title you give it) is moving towards real change not just talk. Their focus isn't necessarily on themselves. In fact, I would say there is a concerted movement to focus on others!

After the CORE (Dan Jessup was awesome and I think my students soaked up quite a bit) I am totally stoked about finding something we can DO (note: that means the students finding something not Matt) to change the world. Right now one thing is we're "adopting Grannies" from Vintage Place (isn't the name great? Doesn't sound like the normal nursing home, it's vintage, not old!). That is as simple as talking to them once every other month or so, baking cookies, making cards, just investing ourselves in their lives! And it makes a huge difference for the people we talk to. They might not have anyone visit them regularly, but my students do!

However, I think there is SO much more we could do (in fact, it's not an "I think" moment it's an "I know"). I just hope that sunk in: transformation starts from the inside out, then it means DOING something, and it's about transforming our world one person at a time....

We'll see how much they soaked in from today and run from there. Excited I am!


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