
Faithful and True

One of the amazing truths about Scripture is it's sheer reliability. There has never (not once in any way!) been an archaeolgical discovery that contradicts the biblical accounts. In fact, the oldest existing portions of Scripture are literally miraculous in their direct continuity with our current biblical text! What that means is that in every discovery of ancient texts from Scripture, the documents we find match the text we know and use today. Let that sit for a minute. The things we read today are the same things that believers read then. It's not a mythologized account, where Jesus is 10' tall and shoots lighting from his eyes as he exits the tomb, but an accurate accounting of the most important truths in the universe. In fact, the oldest existing portions of Scripture we have are from Numbers 6. They date to before the fall of the temple to Babylon in 586 BC. And they're essentially identical to what you read today (another interesting part- the text was inscribe...

Let the Word Do the Work!

 Have you ever felt stuck in a rut with no way out of it? Been stuck in that same sin with no way out? Or maybe you've thought spiritual growth was out of your reach? You can work your hardest, try harder, do more and never see any kind of positive change. If you can relate to any of that, there's a powerful truth you need to hear: you can't change yourself. God has to work in your life for meaningful change to happen! However, one thing you can do to see change in your life is to immerse yourself in His Word. Why is that? Hear what God has to say: "For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return there without saturating the earth and making it germinate and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat, so my word that comes from my mouth will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.” (Isaiah 55:10-11) . If God's Word accomplishes exactly what He intends, part of that is us starting to ...

Everyday is an Opportunity

Our reflective thinking is often clearer at times New Year's than any other time. We evaluate what has been in the past year and think towards that blank slate of the new year. Often resolutions are made and started, but never followed all the way through. For example, how many of us have a One Year Bible that we've never finished? It turns into the One Year Guilt trip and we never get done because we have three weeks worth of readings to make up before we read that day! This year my family and I will be walking through the Bible Recap reading plan and would invite you to join us! It's a chronological reading, meaning the reading walks through the timeline of Scripture. You'll read Job while reading about Abraham in Genesis. Psalms are interspersed with the moments in David's life that inspired them. One of the reasons I love the Bible app is the way it handles plans. If you miss a day (or several) don't beat yourself up- just click where it says, "Catch m...

Engaging with the Word

 One of the most important things we do is engaging the Word of God daily. While it might sound daunting, the tools to do so aren't something only accessible to pastors or people with special education. Here's a simple method you can use to engage God's Word so that it dwells richly in your heart: Pray. Ask God to speak to you through His Word as you read it and to give you wisdom to understand what you read. Read it. Just read the text in front of you. Ask the question, "What does it say?" Read it again. Read the text again. This time, ask the question,"What does it mean?" Read it once more. This time, ask the question, "What does it mean to me?" Pray. Thank God for what He has shown you and ask Him to guide you in living out His truth as He has revealed it. Whether you know it or not, these simple questions form the backbone of most every sermon preached and are some of the most important things we can ever wrestle with!

Grateful Hearts and God's Great Mercy

 Have you ever tried to really wrap your mind around something unfathomable? Like in '07, a man ran into an Amish schoolhouse and shot 10 young girls, killing five, before turning the gun on himself. Human nature tells us to seek justice, which his death already served, and that those who commit injustice need to be punished. C. S. Lewis said the easiest way to know mankind is bent towards a universal morality, is to do something to someone who claims there are no objective right/wrong judgments. His assessment (and rightly so!), was that they would tell you that what you did was not right, or was unfair. That sense of justice, a right and wrong that exists, is universal- even among those who claim everything is relative. In that Amish community in Pennsylvania, losing those young ladies left a huge mark and much trauma, but early on, they made waves when they forgave in the midst of it. Some even going so far as to go to the shooter's burial service and gather money for the wi...


 There are a lot of shades of meaning in the word "pride." We talk about needing to "take pride in our work." We talk about "being proud of people." We talk about having "wounded pride" when we make a mistake. We tell people to "swallow their pride" when they won't listen to wisdom. We tell people that "pride comes before a fall." So you've got good, bad, and ugly undertones in reading the word pride. It can be something we ought to do, like God in creation looking at all He had made and calling it good. It can also be a source of our failure in work, sports, etc. because we think far too highly of ourselves and our capacities. But then in Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis said,  ...the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride.  Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete a...

Life is Precious

In our youth, most of us live with a sense of invincibility because we cannot really comprehend the idea of death. It is foreign to our thinking and beyond our knowledge. We'll do things that are dangerous without a thought. Like riding a bicycle headlong down a super steep slope to jump another hill and fly through the air like crazy, until things go wrong and you end up with a bike pedal stuck in your leg. Eventually. most of us have a moment where we realize the value, and brevity, of life. Maybe it's a diagnosis or a health issue, maybe it's a close call, maybe it's someone we love dying, something eventually wakes us up to the simple truth that our lives are short. As we read in Genesis, humanity is just the dust of the earth instilled with life via the breath of God. At the beginning of the Lenten season, Ash Wednesday is a moment to remember that dust is all we are and all we return to. It's another momento mori that reminds us of the brevity of life.  Psalm...