Faithful and True
One of the amazing truths about Scripture is it's sheer reliability. There has never (not once in any way!) been an archaeolgical discovery that contradicts the biblical accounts. In fact, the oldest existing portions of Scripture are literally miraculous in their direct continuity with our current biblical text! What that means is that in every discovery of ancient texts from Scripture, the documents we find match the text we know and use today. Let that sit for a minute. The things we read today are the same things that believers read then. It's not a mythologized account, where Jesus is 10' tall and shoots lighting from his eyes as he exits the tomb, but an accurate accounting of the most important truths in the universe. In fact, the oldest existing portions of Scripture we have are from Numbers 6. They date to before the fall of the temple to Babylon in 586 BC. And they're essentially identical to what you read today (another interesting part- the text was inscribe...