Engaging with the Word

 One of the most important things we do is engaging the Word of God daily. While it might sound daunting, the tools to do so aren't something only accessible to pastors or people with special education.

Here's a simple method you can use to engage God's Word so that it dwells richly in your heart:

Pray. Ask God to speak to you through His Word as you read it and to give you wisdom to understand what you read.

Read it. Just read the text in front of you. Ask the question, "What does it say?"

Read it again. Read the text again. This time, ask the question,"What does it mean?"

Read it once more. This time, ask the question, "What does it mean to me?"

Pray. Thank God for what He has shown you and ask Him to guide you in living out His truth as He has revealed it.

Whether you know it or not, these simple questions form the backbone of most every sermon preached and are some of the most important things we can ever wrestle with!


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