Nine days later...

So here I am nine more days into this journey.  It's rough to be hardcore dieting at this season, but so far I have persevered (I even ran around the annual youth Christmas party with celery and a salad so I wouldn't eat the plethora of goodies my students brought).  But, as I see limited results recently (I'm down 14 pounds and seem stuck there right now), my resolve seems to weaken.  I start thinking things like, "This diet is unrealistic, you can eat just one," or "No need to workout tonight (or wake up extra early to do so in the am), you're doing great."  That voice seems awful appealing!

But, the truth is throwing out the old god(s) in exchange for more closely following the true God has never been easy.  I look at the ups & downs of Israel, even after seeing God's mighty hand at work in Egypt and beyond, "forcing" Aaron to create a god out of gold (gotta love Aaron's answer to Moses, "I put in the gold and out came this cow.").  How to be consistent is the question, because I run on two settings: all the way or not at all.  What does it take to do this?

Craig Groeschel has talked about his key being brushing his teeth, because when he does that he tends to workout and do the rest but when he doesn't brush his teeth the rest falls by the wayside.  For me I think it's going to be disciplining myself to wake up early enough to hit a full workout in the AM then followup with the evening adventure of the actual P90X workout.  Maybe?  I know that becoming more disciplined in one area should wash across into other areas, just as a lack of discipline in one area affects all the others.  That's my hope anyways!

So, I continue onward 15% of the way towards my goal...  2-3 weeks making 15% means if I continue at this pace in 12-18 more weeks I'll be there.  Let's see if I can hit that or speed it up some!


  1. Pastor Matt Schaffner
    May the Lord continue to bless you & your family! May he continue to give you the words & enlighten your wise thoughts so you can continue to spread his word. Keep the faith! Thank you.


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