Heretical resurrection?

Resurrection: Rob Bell from The Work of Rob Bell on Vimeo.

After watching this video of Rob Bell speaking about the resurrection, I was reading some of the comments, and there were the ones I was expecting: some discussing style (those who liked the effects and those who didn't, those who liked the music and those who didn't, etc.), some thanking him for posting such a great video, and then there were the comments talking about "heresy." Watch the video and let me know where you see heresy pop up.

Frankly, it kinda ticks me off that people find the need to nit-pick the most important part of the story. Yes, Jesus suffered. Yes, Jesus died on a cross. But, if that was all there was, there would be no story worth reading! Instead, we get to celebrate that our God isn't dead. He rose again. Jesus is alive! That's incredible and amazing. How can that be heretical? The entirety of Christian faith is built solely on the resurrection, without that we're just a bunch of moral loons!

I suppose it boils down to the fact that sometimes I just don't get people. We (Christians) are supposed to test and approve the messages we hear. That's not optional, we can't just believe anything (I mean, read Matthew 7 then through 8 and look at the contrast between the disciples in the storm and the demon possessed men who come up later: the demons believed the disciples didn't have a clue! The demons belief didn't influence their lives however...) but need to believe in the essential truths of the gospel: God loves us, Jesus suffered and died for us, Jesus rose from the dead conquering sin and death forever for those who believe in Him, the Bible tells the story of God and is our authoritative guide for life, God gives us the Holy Spirit as His presence and power to live a life of faith in Him, we are supposed to love others as much as God loves us. Pretty plain and simple, isn't it? Yet we feel the need to assassinate someone based on a question or something they previously said. Are there false teachers out there? You better believe it! Is the above video evidence of a false teacher? I think not...


  1. Hey Matt! I couldn't agree more. I get the feeling that there are people so bogged down in our American Church culture that they can't even recognize the gospel when it's presented in a way that might speak to an un-churched generation. Thus the label of heresy. Rob didn't use all the usual words one might hear in a Sunday service in America. I say praise God for his willingness to be all things to all men that by all means he might save some. Now the hard part. I need to live like I believe that a little more each day.


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