Long time...

So, how easy is it to drop a habit? Relatively simple! I had been regularly posting and writing up a daily devo for our student ministry, but have since dropped both. Why? I can blame time, with the master's classes causing me to have way too many late nights and not enough sleep. Or I could go with my family and work, both demanding time and effort that I cannot spend elsewhere. The idea of either excuse being written down seems to me to be rather distasteful! But, even with those being true in part, the real answer is priorities. I spend my time fighting for things that are "more urgent" and allow other things to slide into the background...

Should this have slid into the background? Probably not! It gives me a place to vent, to put thoughts into cohesive form, and tell people about what matters most to me. So, I realized it was time to get things rolling again and put my thoughts out there for the world to see...

With that in mind, I've been jamming the newest Enter the Worship Circle album (Fourth Circle) and got this song stuck in my head. The line that really catches me is "There's none too poor, too dirty, too broken, too naked, too stupid, too drunken to be thrown outside Your love." It is something very profound and very simple, yet so overlooked. We often see things as the haves and the have nots. I think Todd Agnew hits the same chord with his Jesus not being wanted in the church because He stained the carpet and was smelly. Jesus came for the outcast, those who are unacceptable. As His church do we accept those unacceptable? Or are there people who are too poor, too dirty, too broken, too naked, too stupid, too drunken or too anything for us to love them the way Jesus would?

If we are the church, how can we not love like Jesus? So, who do you need to accept and love today?

Now playing: Enter the Worship Circle - Give Me Your Hand
via FoxyTunes


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