
I've been thinking about the beauty of creation. Whether it's the mountains like out in Glenwood Springs this past weekend or the rolling plains that are slowly becoming green here in KS, God made a really awesome world for us. That's the key though: for us. We may see the beauty, but each grain of sand and blade of grass was made for our pleasure. The flip side is this: we were made as the apple of God's eye. In Genesis, we see God saying that His creation is good until He made mankind, at which point He said it was "very good." If everything until that point it was simply "good" what does that say about us? Many people are stuck in a twisted game trying to measure up to someone else's standards. The truth is that we were made beautiful and looking like God. If we were made to be "very good" why do we let others tell us we're not good enough?

The truth is you were made very good and completely perfected like God. What are you doing with what He gave you when He made you?


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