SYATP and God being awesome...

After this morning's See You At The Pole prayer time, I was really moved by how awesome God is. 40 some odd middle school students and 8 youth pastors, teachers, and parents prayed for each other, their school, their parents, their friends, their nation, and their world. That by itself was great, but this evening seeing the 100+ students gathered outside at the park, was incredible. Yeah, things didn't work exactly as planned (the lack of lights meant we had to pull some cars up and kick on their headlights, it kinda felt like a Diehard battery ad) but God was there and God did what He wanted to do.

I am so convinced that this is a special time and group of ministers, parents/volunteers, and students who are really working towards making things better in our community. It is really pretty incredible to see an event with the Baptist youth guy leading worship, the AG guy running the game, the Xian church guy giving stuff away and cooking up the grub, and a crazed Presbyterian bringing the message and giving an invitation! That isn't something many expect, but it is a perfect picture of the kingdom of God and an example of what the Church is supposed to be. All the people who believe in and follow Jesus working together means big things. The Tomlin song "God of This City" rings in my head: "Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city..."

God has great things in store, the questions are what are we going to do to help His plan? How can we be the Church not individual churches? How do we really fit together in the bigger picture? Those answers must be the guide we walk as we strive to be who God made us to be and change the things we can change for His glory...


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