Hard choices are hard to make...

Here's the dilemma: mercy and forgiveness or safety and justice? I'm not entirely sure myself, but it is the question I'm face with... There is a situation where I'm torn because it could well have been an accident, but at the same time it could equally be completely on purpose. That's why I say it's a dilemma. Jesus always seemed to have the answers in situations like this, but I seem to never have an answer just more questions. Perhaps it's His being the Son of God and knowing everything while I'm just a guy who tries to make wise decisions and do the things He would have done...

But, can I let mercy and forgiveness stretch to this 6th incident? I don't think so. If one or two, yeah. But this is after a stout talking to and a serious meeting to define hard lines so that we could keep everyone safe and make things run smoothly. Although Jesus was always forgiving people and is always forgiving me, how can I fail to forgive when I have been forgiven so much? Perhaps thew whole thing goes back to responsibility for me. I am responsible for a lot of people, not just one, and they all deserve to be safe and not have to deal with stuff like this.

So, which way to go, grace or justice? I know I am leaning towards justice even though grace looks like a much easier option! We'll just have to see...


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