
After my harsh rhetoric yesterday, I'm left thinking about what matters most. I am no better than the worst and the worst is no better than the best. Sound odd? It should, because it goes so counter to what we know, feel, think, and desire. We naturally group people and things into categories and classify. It is human nature to compare people and classify where we stand in relation to them. I look at Hitler and say he's so horrible because of what he did, while I look at Mother Teresa and say she was so great that I can't compare.

Yet, the essence of Christianity is the dichotomy/paradox of grace. Grace says that we are forgiven and made something else. Instead of being an Adolf Hitler, I am told that I am a Mother Teresa. How can that be? Simply trusting and believing in the fact that someone perfect took my place... That belief is what defines Christianity! If there is no substitutionary atonement (meaning that someone took my place!) there is no hope for me. Without that idea, there is NO Christianity. Instead, it would be the same as Islam or Judaism where it comes down to our works in relation to a harsh task-master type deity. I wouldn't do well there, but instead the message of the cross is that no matter what, where, how, or why we can be made something else entirely. We are told that we are no longer guilty, we are no longer trash, we are no longer enslaved, instead we are free, we are forgiven, we are redeemed! That is the message of the cross, the most horrible moment in all history is turned upside down. Because of the cross we have hope. Because of the cross we have the opportunity to live. Because of the cross we are given everything.

Thus, no matter what one says and how hateful, opposed to Christ, and despicable it is, grace falls down and covers all. But, the requirement is that we turn from there and move on. I must forgive if I want to be forgiven, so here's the reality: with great hate should be great forgiveness, that is the message of the cross. If only those hate-filled black preachers would figure that out there might be lasting, real change for the better. But, until that day (which I am afraid will never come in today's climate!) I must fight the hate and forgive. No matter what they say or do, I must forgive and fill in the hate with love.


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