
As we move into a new day, it dawns on me again how thankful I should be for another chance to breath, think, live, and be. It's also a new day to see what God has in store for me as a minster and for my students. Not only that, but as we embark on citywide youth adventure number two (737 at the Middle School too, not just the High School) I am excited! The new song from Passion, God of This City, has me so stoked. The refrain comes around: "Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city..." That resonates with me on so many levels.

First is the fact that it is about this city, not just First Presby, or First Baptist, First Christian, or New Life, or First United Methodist. I work with a phenomenal group of youth workers who are passionately driven to see God's kingdom come here in El Dorado. They are SO not driven by personal kingdom growth (meaning their church and their youth group) and it is such an awesome thing to see a diverse group of people driven by a singular purpose. We all work together to see students encounter Jesus personally. The big meetings this year have been that way: not a one man or one church show, but a group of totally committed people working to see God do great things here. The whole 737 concept is amazing: to see diverse groups (theologically, economically, and philosophically) work together to disciple students WEEKLY without it becoming a singular church's ministry.

Second is the fact that it is about supporting, not undermining, each other in our unique ministry settings. Just because I'm the guy at First Presby doesn't mean I can't support First Christian or First United Methodist in every way possible. Just because that might take students away from "my" ministry doesn't mean it isn't my job (and specific calling) to help them! I was called by Christ to work with students. Period. It wasn't a call to work with students at this church or that church, but students. I have been placed in a specific church and specific setting for a reason, but my calling doesn't (and cannot!) stop at the doors to my church. For that reason I pray for my friends and fellow workers regularly. If I didn't how could I ask them to pray for me? Especially in light of our prayer request this past month and the support I received! Support is huge and is something I am extremely grateful for.

But, lest this turn into an ecumenicalism rant, let me close out. As people called by Christ, we were killed off (buried with Him in His death) and raised to newness of life (not the same old, same old, but genuinely new life). Spring so showcases God's work and is such a reminder of the fact that we were brought into newness, not tired, old, and worthlessness, of life. If I cannot be thankful for that on a beautiful day what can I be really thankful for?


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