God is...

This seems like a pretty simple statement, but it is something that is being combated so heavily today! People like Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins seem more aggressive than many through the years and they are much more vitriolic than their predecessors. But why?

Looking at the road today, no one would ever be stupid enough to look at a big truck and exclaim, "Wow. It's so amazing that this big truck randomly came together out of the primordial ooze to form this fully working organism..." However, people claim that humanity (the human body is more complex than anything we can even grasp: a machine that replicates even one of our bodily functions is virtually impossible for us to render because of its complexity. The only portion that has been duplicated are simple machines like the Jarvik heart [a pump]) came about randomly. Richard Dawkins talks about the fact that blind chance leads to all possibilities eventually; one of his examples is that given a set of wheels with the 26 letters of the alphabet on each wheel, it would eventually wind up with the message "METHINKSITISAWEASEL." But, what is phenomenal is that he looks at this as possible! What are the odds that it would wind up there in this simple example? Lets do the math: there are 19 wheels with 26 letters per wheel, making the probability of one correct letter for said message coming up 3.8% (not horrible odds, mind you). If we carry that out, the probability of coming up with a simple message randomly is next to impossible (feel free to do the math yourself [0.038 times itself 19 times], the number you wind up with is tiny and the probability needs to be closer to one to be likely at all, closer to zero means near impossible...). Can you see the problem with this idea? If we're relying on blind chance, nothing would happen!

Here's something to chew on: if the truck we were talking about earlier had to come about by random chance, what would the probability be? Think about it. What complex systems are required to drive a truck/car? There's the combustion engine, a transmission, a drive train, steering, axles, wheels, a chasis/body, and ignition (we'll just ignore the comfort and function factors required today...). With random chance, how long would it take to get to one system much less a total vehicle? Think about it, because people who accept/uphold macroevolution (the idea of massive change like monkey to human) are telling you that a random chance created systems that are more complex than any machine we can make. Does this sound reasonable? Does this sound remotely logical?

I don't think so. When I see a truck or car, I know that it was made according to a blueprint that was designed by a team of engineers and designers who carefully put every piece together to make it work the way it does. In fact, we don't allow random chance to influence our cars: there are standards we expect upheld, like quality and safety. Just examine the human body and see how complex it is and try to come back to me with the conclusion that it came about randomly. I'd love to hear how you think it's possible, because the sheer complexity and way the body requires every system to work together makes it something essentially impossible.

Now just note, I will never argue against microevolution. It is a proven fact and it is simple to understand and see. We'll touch on that next time...


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