
Showing posts from September, 2017

E Pluribus Unum

The official motto of the United States is the Latin phrase, "E Pluribus Unum" or "Out of many, one." It's fitting, as the US formed from 13 colonies and then became a conglomeration of 50 states working together as one country. But further, it fits because of the multitudinous peoples who filled the country- all immigrants coming to seek a future in a land beyond the sea- many of whom were greeted by the statue that stands for liberty and justice for all. It's the idea of a melting pot- many influences creating something unique, different, yet harmonious. That is what the idea is, but it doesn't necessarily take root when not encouraged to! It's also the idea at the root of the church- out of many, one. Diverse peoples with myriad giftings and abilities drawn into relationship because of the love of their Savior to do something no one else ever could. That is a miraculous vision- where people live, love, and work together with one purpose under on...