
Showing posts from January, 2013

"Who Do You Think You Are?" and Les Miserables

Mark Dricsoll's new book, Who Do You Think You Are?  hits shelves today and as one of a select team (thanks Mars Hill!) I got an early review copy to check out.  I also went with my wonderful wife to see the new (and fantastic!) Les Miserables last night.  Both are dedicated to the same issue: identity. I would say the issue our world struggles with more than any other, is identity.  The suicide rate among 24-34 year olds is huge, in part because of missing identity or misguided identity.  To combat that, Driscoll unpacks Ephesians, Paul's magnum opus of identity, in his new book.  The entire theme of Ephesians, is "in Christ."  In fact, our lives, if not grounded on the fact leaves us asking the titular question, "Who do I think I am?" As I began to read, I was grabbed rather swiftly by the passion and depth of the pages (and the use of quoting from Fight Club, Memento, etc.).  The key contention is this: we can either find our identity in Ch...


Paul said that no discipline seemed pleasant at the time and I can so vouch for that right now!  Workouts and dieting have been steady, with only a few cheats here and there during the Christmas festivities.  However, finding the desire to kick into gear again is a bit lacking.  I see the goal and I know where I want to go, but motivation is a factor... How do we push ourselves in the right direction when we don't really want to?  That's the question I'm dealing with.  I think Mark Driscoll has the answer in his forthcoming book, Who Do You Think You Are?   The major premise is that who we are in Christ must be our primary identity, not our successes, personality, stuff or otherwise.  While I know all of that to be true, I don't know that I'd thought about it as much as  I should!  Being overweight (especially to the degree I am- around 100 lbs., minus 17 as of today!) is a reflection on who I don't  think I am.  Just as Adam and ...