Evil to Good?
No, I'm not talking about Darth Vader's change of heart in Return of the Jedi or any other story about someone who turns from their evil to become good. Instead, I'm talking about a verse from Paul's letter to the Romans: And we know that God causes everything to work togethert for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8.28 (NLT) This is often a Christian comfort verse, thrown out without thinking in times of deep sorrow, loss, and pain. At those times, it ain't much comfort and is really just a cop out. However, today I want to look at a story (from our E100 challenge, Day 11; if you don't know it look for the "Essentials" post and hop in) about God doing that very thing. In Genesis 37 we see the story of Joseph. He was his daddy's favorite, as evidenced by verses 3 and 4. He also had dreams that he shared willy-nilly with his brothers (out of pride, arrogance, or innocence I don't...