Renewing vision and imagining the possible...
Every once in a while a book comes along that reinforces some of the things you believed but allowed to fall by the wayside as you "did" church. Exponential by Jon and Dave Ferguson is one of those books. It's not tons of new ideas and information, but it's the reminder that those models you looked at in college/seminary and thought would work, then never implemented, really work and are a far better way to do things than what you are currently doing! The key to Exponential is simple: ever single member of the church is responsible for reproducing another (or many, many more) Christ-follower. Moreover, it is the number one job of the church to reproduce leaders who can reproduce themselves. I would go so far as to say that a church that grows by ones and twos (like our church, which gained 7 members last year yet was in the top three in our Presbytery...) is NOT healthy. The Fergusons are very clear in their definitions and details, perhaps because the book isn...