Bridging the gap...
As we attempt to navigate the worldview waters out there, I am struck by how many people who go to church have a non-biblical worldview. Now, some might say, "So what?" and others are appalled but then there are some who look and go, "Huh?" The vast majority of students fall into the last category. They could care less about what undergirds their lives because that isn't important. I hear it all the time: "Well, they believe it so it's true for them." or to put it another way: "Dude, it was okay for me to lie to him cause he didn't need to know." At issue here is the idea of absolutes and morality. In the post-modern world the idea is that it all comes down to our story, there is no bigger story we're a part of. However, in the Christian world, we must acknowledge the bigger story we are merely a small part of. These two fundamental differences shape everything else that is believed, thought, or done by most people. Those...