A Fresh Start...
I love the idea of the new year. It means a completely new set of days to live the best we can, not the way we did last year. That's exciting! It may not mean anything "important" like a clean credit score, a fresh reputation, no more bills (although that would be stinking great!), or even a clean house but it is a fresh start. So, as the new year dawns, have you made a resolution? Many of us do; saying we're going to get in shape, lose weight, get out of debt, spend more time with our kids, or hundreds of other things but we don't. Most resolutions fall off in the first month leaving only 20% of people making it 6 weeks or longer. Are you one of the 20% or are you the other 80% who gave up, quit, and didn't see it through (I really need to quit beating myself up...)? I've made it once, but that was because of three other guys. We ran together in the mornings. If one of us didn't show, the others would give them grief all day and surprise, th...